In the class, Project and Portfolio 4: Music Business, we had to find and pitch an unsigned artist to 3300 and Climbing. 3300 and Climbing is the artist development program at Full Sail University. The unsigned band I chose is Mount Tyrant, a dark pop indie band from Dallas, TX. Throughout the month, I had to research and analyze their target market and marketability along with coming up with a persuasive pitch. I also had to create a minute long sizzle video and a One Sheet about the artist. This assignment not only had us fulfilling the job of an A&R executive but, also allowed us to become the Artist Manager as well.
In Music Retail and Distribution, a team and myself had to create a digital release strategy for an unsigned artist. This included a pre, post, and day of release plan, social media calender, and a profit and loss statement sheet. This assignment showcased marketing techniques combined with business finance knowledge.
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During Concert Management and Touring, as a team, we were tasked with writing a press release for an unknown artist named Celine Who for a show near her hometown and her upcoming release. This realease would be sent out to media contacts.
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For Project and Portfolio 3, As a group, we chose a popular music video and deconstructed it as if we were the ones making and pitching the music video idea. The music video we chose was Bang Bang by Jessie J, Nicki Minaj, and Ariana Grande. In this assignment, we had to find the target market, create a budget plan, and make an inforgraphic for potienal investors. Below is the Marketing Mix Analysis and the Infographic that was created to showcase social media followings for the artists.
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This assignment was to create an Artist Business Model for the class Music Business Models. A partner and myself had to decide on a current artist and create a business plan around their brand. This assignment taught us how to research and analyze different methods of revenue streams along with determining partners that would help with forms of revenue.
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